Our Mission

Broadband and wireless connectivity is essential for public safety, rural equity, education, job opportunities, economic development, health care, and agriculture. All Vermonters should have the connection to participate fully and have the opportunities offered in our increasingly digital world.

Vermont Covered works with communities throughout Vermont to advocate for and create access to broadband and wireless broadband.

Our Solution


Vermont Covered advocates for rural connectivity. Add your voice by filling out the “Let’s Connect” form below.

Community Coverage Model

Our community approach ensures we reach areas that lack connectivity using data-driven maps and voices of people in those communities.

Communications Union Districts

Vermont has organized Broadband Services by community, forming Communications Union Districts (“CUDs”). Vermont Covered collaborates with CUDs to utilize their services, enhance their broadband capacity, and extend enhanced wireless services as a result.

3 out of 4 rural states are at a disadvantage when it comes to getting fair internet prices, further isolating them from the opportunities that wealthier and more urban states have. Vermont is one of the worst-performing states, ranking 48th in internet value.

Vermonters work 146% more for the same quality of mobile internet, and 175.8% more for broadband.

Nearly two-thirds of all calls to emergency services in Vermont are from a cell phone.
12% of Vermonters live in a landline-only household, the highest rate in the nation.
Vermonters work 146% more for the same quality of mobile internet, and 175.8% more for broadband.
75% of Vermonters do not have access to cell service that meets their needs.

Help Your Community

The federal government is allocating millions of dollars to states to provide broadband to rural communities. In order to ensure Vermont receives enough funding, all Vermonters must check to see if the FCC’s map is accurate. Click the link below, enter your address, and, if the information is incorrect, click on “Mobile Challenge” to provide the correct information. It’s fast and allows the FCC to get an accurate assessment of wireless availability in order to allocate funding where it is needed most.

Strategic Partners

“Vermont Covered was born out of a need that there needs to be greater cell phone coverage in this area to enhance public safety and better communications for the community”

- Rob Blish

Chief of Police (ret.)

“We are in the fields with farm equipment and we have our cell phones on us, which is kind of funny when you think about it, because we have no service. If something were to happen, what are we going to do?”

- Dana Kaye

Pomfret, VT

“Vermont Covered was born out of a need that there needs to be greater cell phone coverage in this area to enhance public safety and better communications for the community”

- Rob Blish

Chief of Police (ret.)

“We are in the fields with farm equipment and we have our cell phones on us, which is kind of funny when you think about it, because we have no service. If something were to happen, what are we going to do?”

- Dana Kaye

Pomfret, VT

“Vermont Covered was born out of a need that there needs to be greater cell phone coverage in this area to enhance public safety and better communications for the community”

- Rob Blish

Chief of Police (ret.)

“We are in the fields with farm equipment and we have our cell phones on us, which is kind of funny when you think about it, because we have no service. If something were to happen, what are we going to do?”

- Dana Kaye

Pomfret, VT

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Let’s Connect!

Vermont Cover is working to increase cell coverage in rural areas to ensure Vermonters have access to cell service when they need it most. Add your name to LET’S CONNECT and show your support.